Sunday, October 16, 2011



Welcome to my blog. I am Soleil. To be honest there I have no clue what to post. So I will mostly post Free Write. For those of you who don't know what it is, I will tell you.

I am a teenager, who  loves to write. One night I realize the only reason I was getting a writer's block on one of my projects that I was writing was because I was writing it for someone else... my fans!
 Yes fans are great don't get me wrong but if your not writing for yourself or for fun then writing doesn't become fun at all. In my opinion. So FREE WRITE is when you close your eyes, clear your mine and write what YOU want to write. DO NOT stress over people's opinions, your the author, and you decided what you want to write!
So yeah, that is basically free write.
For those of you who are still confused... here is an example:
(Please try to stick with me, I am totally making this up as I write this blog post, lol)

I  remember that night.
The wind was blowing in the tress, causing the leafs to whistle tunes that was soothing to the ears.
Well, at least my ears. My friend Robert hated that sound, and I don't blame him.
He could feel, and see things that other's can't.
Yeah, I know it sounds cliche but it isn't.
He can't see the future, or the past.
He sees things that are there, that no one else dare's to discover.
Mainly because he's fearless, but partly because he was born like that.
It makes him jitterish though.
That I call him Jitter Bug.
Now for the part of about the feeling.
It's hard to explain, his hands don't have the senses that we do. They got burnt off when he was around the age of five, by one of those creatures that no one else sees. So he feels things through his toes... its kind of funny actually. Because he will shake people's hands with his feet.... and their faces are hilarious when that happens.
Anyway, that is robert for yeah.
Now to the part about that night... 

See that is free write!
Its fun!
Well goodbye for now... I will try to post something soon!
Love ya! 

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